“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.” – Rudyard Kipling

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and stressful journey. You are constantly bombarded with unexpected situations that can create stress. At the same time you have to lead a brand new team and keep moving the ball forward. In the words of Daniel Cheng, MBA2020 and co-founder of BeenThere, a mental health startup for overseas Chinese students: “Entrepreneurship is the hell mode of leadership.You don’t have money or incentives to pay people, and you don’t have big brands to put in people’s resumes. You yourself don’t know if it will work. You need to lead people to push forward a venture – that is challenging.”

Apart from your mentors, you may not have a lot of other people you can work with as thought partners. Here is where a peer support network comes in. Entrepreneurs who are building ventures in roughly the same stages are tremendous assets to each other. They can share tips and tricks that are contemporary and relevant to each other, pool resources, and offer emotional support to each other.

On this page, we share our observations on how entrepreneurs might engage and where, so that you can help other entrepreneurs build their venture and vise versa.

How entrepreneurs can support each other

Technologies that can help you stay coordinated

Here are some IT platforms that can help you build a community.