Hello everyone,

Happy Monday everyone! A quick update on a few things.


We are excited to see the cohort starting to engage on multiple platforms. A big shout out to Michael Divine, Nelson Munoz, Lin Teh, David Anderton, Yoni Shtiebel for helping to set these things up and starting to organize (especially Nelson, who found a huge bug on the website)!

Here are the current numbers as of 9:00am, June 8, 2020. As mentioned, we are not going to moderate discussion on these networks. It is up to you all to establish community norms for how you engage and interact.

Slack has the most engagement to date (For instance, Michael, David and Yoni organized a recurring CEO round table at 12pm Eastern Time).

If you have not joined, today is the day! If you are already on these platforms, forward these links to your team members and encourage them to join in the conversation.

DIY program updates

Many thanks to everyone who has sent us feedback and comments thus far. Here are some quick updates since the infosession.

  • Added curated short videos (<10 minutes) on design thinking and long videos on core startup skills (>30 minutes) on the skills workshop page
  • Fixed several bugs as well as a massive blooper on the Weekly goal setting template

Here are our planned updates in the next 2-3 weeks.

  • Move away from using our personal emails to send updates (current plan is to migrate to using the newsletter feature for mission critical ). You can unsubscribe at any time.
  • Additional curation for skills workshops
  • Bug fixing

In the works:

Lastly: Please use the FEEDBACK button early and often to let us know what you see / what you think.

What to do this week

If you haven’t checked out the Get Started page or the Month 1 page, today is a good day to do so. In particular, check out the Weekly Goal Setting template. For your convenience I have included a completed Goal setting worksheet for DIY delta v (BETA) to show you how it is intended to be used. You will also want to read the rubric for Month 1 to make sure you pace yourself for the month.

Have a great week everyone!

The DIY delta v (BETA) team